Mild Cognitive Impairment 101
Mild Cognitive Impairment, also referred to as MCI and Mild Neurocognitive Disorder, has generated a lot of research over the last 15...
Back to the Basics: What is the difference between a neurologist & a neuropsychologist?
If you read my post last week, then perhaps you noticed that there are benefits to a teamwork approach when it comes to mental health...
ZOMBIE Neuropsychology
I wish that I could claim this zombie idea as my own, but sadly, I'm just not that creative and I feel strongly that I should always give...
Alzheimer's Disease: Part I of II - What it is & understanding your risk
Are you ready for a little Alzheimer’s disease 101? If your answer is yes, then let’s get started with a quick review from last week in...
The Difference Between Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease
In honor of World Alzheimer's month, it seemed fitting to address a question that I am frequently asked by both patients and their family...
Depression: Part II - Signs & symptoms across the lifespan
"But I don't feel that depressed..." Is it possible to be clinically depressed and not even know it? The answer is YES. As I mentioned...
Depression: Part I - What is "normal" & when you should seek help
We've all had moments, or even days, when we've felt sad... So at what point does sadness turn into clinical depression? I can promise...
Neuropsychology: What it is & how it can help you
How does your brain determine your behavior? If you are wondering what a neuropsychologist does, then you're not alone... Neuropsychology...